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#2241 Tajemnicza_Wyspa



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Napisano 13.12.2007 - |11:33|

W wersji od The ODI:

* Desmond David Hume is the reason why Flight 815 crashed on the island. By not pushing the button, he allowed the electromagnetic forces to rip apart the plane.
* "Pushing the button was not a psychological experiment." It was a real job. Look at what happened when the button wasn't pushed!
* Electromagnetism is on the island. The Dharma Initiative drilled into it and built the Swan Station on top in order to keep it at bay. The electromagnetism on the island will not lead to a black hole that will destroy the planet. [No a zanim powstał "Swan" jakoś nic przez lata nie zniszczyło Ziemi?]
* We haven't seen the last supply drop. How it's being dropped on the island is a mystery. Keep in mind that just because the package had a parachute attached does not mean it was actually "dropped."
* Walt does have psychic powers - not clear how powerful he is. The show will address his growth spurt.
* There are a few questions to ask yourself in regards to Walt:
o Did the Island draw Walt 'cause of his powers?
o Is he there for a greater purpose? Was he destined to go to the island?
o Was it preordained?
* That was definitely Walt on the computer talking to Michael. Did he actually physically type is a whole other story. Maybe he used his psychic powers to send the message. [dlatego taka była reakcja Othersów na "Carrie"]
* Walt has definitely spent some time in Room 23. That was the room Miss Klugh threatened to take him back to. It is not a good place to go. Dharma used it as part of a psychological experiment; The Others use it to as a punishment whenever someone wasn't conforming to the norm. The video from Room 23 was included and man, it was good. Check out some of the terms that flashed across the screen:
o The extinction of desire is Nirvana
o Be the Awakened One
* The Polar Bears were brought to the island by the Dharma Initiative. After The Others took over, the bears were released. They swam to the other island and eventually mated. Polar Bears are still on the island.
* Mittelos Bioscience is a front that The Others use in the real world. It is also an anagram for "lost time." The Others can go back and forth from the island to the outside world. The sub is only part of how The Others travel to and from the island. The show will explore the notion of time on the island and how The Others travel.
* Charlie Pace is dead.
* Christian Shephard is dead.
* Kelvin is dead.
* Nikki and Paulo are dead.
* Radzinski is dead.
* Mikhail is dead.
* "Just because you're dead doesn't mean you can't reappear"
* Hostiles = Others is true. The Others are also comprised of other groups that were on the Island.
* Locke's paralysis was healed by the island. It is not clear if it's permanent.
* Marvin Candle, Mark Wickmund, and Edgar Halowax are triplets. No, wait. They're the same person. We will get to know more about him.
* There was a real Henry Gale. He was a balloonist. He was not a member of The Dharma Initiative. We will find out why he was in the vicinity of the island.
* There's only one Richard Alpert. He just has good skin. "Age is all relative on the island."
* Penny established the listening station to find Desmond. We will find out just how Penny knew there was an island to look for.
* The Others are responsible for bringing Anthony Cooper to the island. Drugs + Accident = arriving on the island. "There are other nefarious things that The Others are doing in the real world, but we can't tell you about that yet."
* Each station has its own orientation video. There could be more than 6 hatches/films.
* The hieroglyphics on the timer meant "Underworld." Dharma gave a shout-out to those that were on the island before, "props to the Egyptians. That sort of thing."
* The Blast Door map was incredibly accurate. However, there were two spectrums to the map, and we only saw one. The question mark is the Pearl Station, and the various references to the monster and its travel patterns were "pretty definitive."
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"If it is man's outward journeys that have brought us to this precarious place in time, it is the inward journey that will set us free."

#2242 Teoria spiskowa

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Napisano 14.12.2007 - |09:27|

Cuse potwierdził, że w trumnie leży ktoś kogo już widzieliśmy.
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Destiny is a fickle bitch.
Only fools are enslaved by time and space.
Ostrożna obserwacja jest jedynym kluczem do prawdy i pełnego zrozumienia.

#2243 dominika1984r



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Napisano 14.12.2007 - |20:28|

W wersji od The ODI:

* Walt does have psychic powers - not clear how powerful he is. The show will address his growth spurt.

Mi sie wydaje, ze Walt moze byc kims w rodzaju mentora... pomogl przeciez Locke'owi. Ukazal sie rowniez Shannon.

* Charlie Pace is dead.

No, co do smierci Charlie'go to chyba nie bylo watpliwosci...

* Nikki and Paulo are dead.

No tak... nikt tyle by pod ziemia nie wytrzymal bez powietrza ;)

* Mikhail is dead.

Wreszcie :D
* "Just because you're dead doesn't mean you can't reappear"

O tym rowniez sie juz kilkakrotnie zdolalismy przekonac.

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Living is easy with eyes closed

#2244 Teoria spiskowa

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Napisano 15.12.2007 - |21:45|

Komentarz znajdujący się na dvd do the Man behind the curtain

* Horace Goodspeed and Olivia are important to the DHARMA story, and we can expect to see more of them in the future.
* Richard Alpert was conceived as the "Panchen Lama" of the Others. (That would make Ben the "Dalai Lama.") Alpert's role is to pick the next Dalai. Ben's role would be to pick the next Panchen, should the need arise. This keeps the two in a sort of balanced power relationship. They are allies, yet they have some measure of control over the other should one get out of hand.
* Ben uses the volcanic ash circle to contain Jacob. Jacob also has the means to control Ben to an extent.
* Speaking of volcanoes, there is one on the island. Damon says it will be of "seismic importance" (pun very much intended.)
* The Looking Glass Station is a communications station. Its role is to emit the ping that guides the submarine to the island.
* The DHARMA purge was not the first purge by the Others. There have been many groups on the island, and the Others have purged many times before. Remnants of all the groups make up the Others we see today. Damon likens this to the United States, which is a nation of immigrants from many cultures who have assimilated into a common culture.
* Ben set Locke up to kill Cooper as a test...he was certain Locke would fail as he has not shown himself to be capable of murder. There is probably no great mythological reason for killing one's father; Alpert helps Locke find a way to kill Cooper because it is the only way to break Ben's manipulation.
* Damon suggests that Ben's penchant for numbering his rabbits "probably has something to do with fertility experiments."
* Room 23 is located on the Hydra island, which is designated for zoological experiments. Has it only been used on humans, or was it previously used on other animals? And if so, what animals? (Calling all Joop fans!)
* Annie is an extremely important part of the island's backstory, and it is a planned chapter to come. Annie is more important than the Goodspeeds or the volcano.
* The mechanism for the purge at the Barracks was different from the mechanism Ben uses in the van (the canister of gas). The gas canister was added in post-production to give Ben a more active role in his father's death. But the original plan was for something to happen more or less island wide at 4 PM.
* We have not seen Ben's motivation for his role in the purge, but we will.


Lepsze zdjęcie Christiana.

Użytkownik Teoria spiskowa edytował ten post 16.12.2007 - |12:39|

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Destiny is a fickle bitch.
Only fools are enslaved by time and space.
Ostrożna obserwacja jest jedynym kluczem do prawdy i pełnego zrozumienia.

#2245 Tajemnicza_Wyspa



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Napisano 17.12.2007 - |07:58|

* Richard Alpert was conceived as the "Panchen Lama" of the Others. (That would make Ben the "Dalai Lama.") Alpert's role is to pick the next Dalai. Ben's role would be to pick the next Panchen, should the need arise. This keeps the two in a sort of balanced power relationship. They are allies, yet they have some measure of control over the other should one get out of hand.

Tylko, że z tego wychodzi, że Othersi to część Dharmy - to miało być idealne społeczeństwo :lol:

* The DHARMA purge was not the first purge by the Others. There have been many groups on the island, and the Others have purged many times before. Remnants of all the groups make up the Others we see today. Damon likens this to the United States, which is a nation of immigrants from many cultures who have assimilated into a common culture.

Dowiemy się może wreszcie o "Incydencie" ze "Swana"?

* Room 23 is located on the Hydra island, which is designated for zoological experiments. Has it only been used on humans, or was it previously used on other animals? And if so, what animals? (Calling all Joop fans!)

A na przycisku wydającym jedzenie w klatce dla niedźwiedzi jest "ludzki" znaczek noża i widelca - fajnie że niedźwiedzie rozumieją "ludzką" symbolikę, hehehe :lol:
Coraz bardziej mi się nie podobają eksperymenty na wyspie... Z eksperymentów na małpach [skoro mówimy o Joopie] przeszli na eksperymenty na ludziach?

Z trailera - miasto w chmurach??? Popatrzcie na odbicie w wodzie:

@Teoria spiskowa

Cuse potwierdził, że w trumnie leży ktoś kogo już widzieliśmy.

Jeśli miała być to osoba z Oceanic 6 to chyba Jin, tylko skąd wziął "nastoletniego syna"?
Hurley odpada z uwagi na "gabaryty" :lol:

Chyba jednak będzie 8 odcinków:

Użytkownik Tajemnicza_Wyspa edytował ten post 17.12.2007 - |08:02|

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"If it is man's outward journeys that have brought us to this precarious place in time, it is the inward journey that will set us free."

#2246 Teoria spiskowa

Teoria spiskowa

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Napisano 17.12.2007 - |08:56|

Ja chcę 16. Zwłaszcza że na końcu 8 będzie cliffhanger. :angry:

info nt. mapki Radzyńskiego


Użytkownik Teoria spiskowa edytował ten post 17.12.2007 - |10:32|

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Destiny is a fickle bitch.
Only fools are enslaved by time and space.
Ostrożna obserwacja jest jedynym kluczem do prawdy i pełnego zrozumienia.

#2247 Tajemnicza_Wyspa



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Napisano 18.12.2007 - |07:29|

Odcinek 04x02

As we recently posted Episode 4.02 is called "Confirmed Dead". This will be a Multi-Flashback/Centric episode featuring the Freighter People.

Source: DarkUFO

A 04x01 - tradycyjnie już flash Jacka??? :angry:
[ufff, sprawdziłam, 04x01 - flashforward Hurleya - brzmi ciekawie]

Blue-Ray - komentarz dot. "Flashes Before Your Eyes" - odnośnie tego, co sie stało po przekręceniu klucza:
[ułowione na jednym z forów]
"It started when he turned the fail-safe key... there had to be a side effect... of this bio-electric magnetic energy that had been contained behind this wall... so Desmond suddenly becomes conscious in his past."

Coś czuję, że na frachtowcu przypłynął zupełnie ktoś inny niż myślimy - ojjj, będą szczęki na ziemi :lol:

Jedno nie wyklucza drugiego, bo zawsze może się okazać, że ten, co przypłynął, jest tylko wykonawcą czyichś poleceń. :lol: A takowej opcji nie wykluczyłam, po dogłębnej analizie TLE ;)

Użytkownik Tajemnicza_Wyspa edytował ten post 20.12.2007 - |07:21|

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"If it is man's outward journeys that have brought us to this precarious place in time, it is the inward journey that will set us free."

#2248 Asignion


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Napisano 20.12.2007 - |01:53|

Coś czuję, że na frachtowcu przypłynął zupełnie ktoś inny niż myślimy - ojjj, będą szczęki na ziemi :lol:

Dziwne, wydawało mi się, że po dogłębnej "analizie" TLE, doskonale wiesz, kto i po co przypłynie na frachtowcu ?!
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#2249 Tajemnicza_Wyspa



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Napisano 21.12.2007 - |08:43|

Postać grana przez Jeremiego Daviesa ma być profesorem fizyki z Oksfordu :blink:
Coś tu czuję pazurki Babci Jubilerki... :P
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"If it is man's outward journeys that have brought us to this precarious place in time, it is the inward journey that will set us free."

#2250 Teoria spiskowa

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Napisano 21.12.2007 - |19:52|

Michaela nie ma w trumnie

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Destiny is a fickle bitch.
Only fools are enslaved by time and space.
Ostrożna obserwacja jest jedynym kluczem do prawdy i pełnego zrozumienia.

#2251 Jonasz



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Napisano 21.12.2007 - |20:26|

Michaela nie ma w trumnie


Enquirer jest absolutnie najmniej godnym zaufania zrodlem na jakikolwiek temat.
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I know what I like, and I like what I know.

#2252 Tajemnicza_Wyspa



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Napisano 27.12.2007 - |10:12|

Spojler jest na samym końcu artykułu:
"Bad end" for Ben? Hmmm... :huh:
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"If it is man's outward journeys that have brought us to this precarious place in time, it is the inward journey that will set us free."

#2253 KMZ



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Napisano 27.12.2007 - |12:41|

Bad end nie oznacza przecież, że umrze. Nie należy się tak sugerować spoilerami. Moim zdaniem za wcześnie na to, bo ma jeszcze wiele do pokazania i jego brak byłby wielką stratą dla Lost.
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#2254 Teoria spiskowa

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Napisano 01.01.2008 - |11:39|

A jednak nie oko ;)

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Destiny is a fickle bitch.
Only fools are enslaved by time and space.
Ostrożna obserwacja jest jedynym kluczem do prawdy i pełnego zrozumienia.

#2255 Tajemnicza_Wyspa



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Napisano 02.01.2008 - |08:32|

TLE v. 2.0?
Bo na zabawę znudzonych fanów mi to nie wygląda... :lol: :P
- główny bohater to pracownik Oceanic Airlines, wyglądem zdeczka przypomina jednego z nowych bohaterów, których zapowiadają spojlerki na sezon 4
- wygląda, że zabawa będzie uwzględniała słynne tsunami:
Na razie do spojlerów - ale jak się zabawa rozwinie, to pewnie konieczny będzie nowy wątek, żeby w spojlerach nie robić śmietnika.

@Teoria spiskowa
Chyba mało osób stawiało na takie rozwiązanie z tą pierwszą sceną sezonu :lol:

"Bad end" to oczywiście niekoniecznie śmierć, choć we flashforwardach Beny może rozstać się z tym światem, zwłaszcza, jeśli został zmuszony do opuszczenia wyspy - może to on leży w trumnie?
Za to, co zrobił na wyspie, w realu Ben najprawdopodobniej trafi do pudła, niestety tym razem już nie będzie ono "magic" :P To także by odpowiadało koncepcji "bad end" ;)
  • 0
"If it is man's outward journeys that have brought us to this precarious place in time, it is the inward journey that will set us free."

#2256 Teoria spiskowa

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Napisano 02.01.2008 - |17:34|

Source 1 on Episodes 3 and 4
"hi dark.Yes we've worked on the first 4 episodes but i cannot release any spoilers yet as this would give my indent away I feel.
All I can say is that episodes 3 and 4 are some of the best lost episodes I've worked on. All I will allow you post is to say is episode 3 -sayid - features a great ending and shooting and episode 4 - kate - had one of the best endings ive seen. sawyer and kate (skaters? is that right?) fans will not be happy!Info after the >>>>> you cannot post yet until i give you the goahead"

Source 2 on Episode 4
"And the end is so fucking good oh my God!!! If your wife or girlfriend watches this show it will be her favorite episode. This one is one for the shipper legends!"

Source 3 on Episode 4
"Andy the only thing I can tell you so far is that episode 4 features an amazing twist. You should make sure when I send you the info that you provide a massive warning before people read it as it really should be watched rather than spoilt in advance. I will send you more info later when its closer to air date and you can decide how best to release it.Enjoy your holiday."

Source 4 on Episodes 2, 3 and 4
" that i cant confirm to you sorry maybe later, there are some very powerful scenes in 4-4 and to a lesser extent 4-3 .......

there will be a dharma artifact found but it is not on the island and is found by one of the new people...... are correct andy, that is a polar bear skull but like the dharma object it is not on the island

.. ill try to send you a full breakdown of episode 1 and 2 in a few weeks but i need to be more careful this year but from the questions you have asked it seems you have at least one other real insider"

Source: DarkUFO
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Destiny is a fickle bitch.
Only fools are enslaved by time and space.
Ostrożna obserwacja jest jedynym kluczem do prawdy i pełnego zrozumienia.

#2257 Jonasz



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Napisano 04.01.2008 - |15:09|

Wywiad z mattheiw Fox. Warto przeczytac: spills secrets
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I know what I like, and I like what I know.

#2258 Teoria spiskowa

Teoria spiskowa

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Napisano 06.01.2008 - |08:12|

  • 0

Destiny is a fickle bitch.
Only fools are enslaved by time and space.
Ostrożna obserwacja jest jedynym kluczem do prawdy i pełnego zrozumienia.

#2259 Teoria spiskowa

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Napisano 09.01.2008 - |11:12|


Question: Can you tell us anything about what's going to happen with Jack and Kate on Lost this season? — Heinzy
Ausiello: Yes, but I have to be very careful how I dole out this particular spoiler, because it concerns a pretty jaw-dropping twist — even by Lost standards. Let's see… Jaters will be aflutter when Kate shows romantic interest in future Jack, but it turns out there's another special person in her life already — someone *** *** ** *** *****, *** ****'* **** a ******.

Ktoś rozgryzł, że w miejsce kropek trzeba wstawić : someone who was on tha plane but didn't have a ticket.

Bardzo ciekawe. Czyżby ktoś z obsługi samolotu???? :angry: :angry: :angry:
  • 0

Destiny is a fickle bitch.
Only fools are enslaved by time and space.
Ostrożna obserwacja jest jedynym kluczem do prawdy i pełnego zrozumienia.

#2260 JohnDee



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Napisano 09.01.2008 - |12:47|

Ktoś rozgryzł, że w miejsce kropek trzeba wstawić : someone who was on tha plane but didn't have a ticket.
Bardzo ciekawe. Czyżby ktoś z obsługi samolotu???? :angry: :angry: :angry:

"Find815" nabiera w tym momencie nieco dwuznacznego charakteru....
Kate od początku była dziwna, ale jeśli się okaże, że to Sonya, to Sam będzie miał niezłą traumę :lol: .
(NMSP, sorry, więcej nie będę ;) )
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